Thursday, 28 May 2009

new peckham ramp

hail peckham's new half pipe....i was livid when i heard it was another metal monstrosity. however props to Maverick - its steep with six panels on one side...mmmm. six pannel 5.0's. also a über new paint job which is apperntly amazing (give it a year and we can talk...)

opening jam was low key village fete affair with the likes of Aarron sweany and other london skaters showing us how its done. jam was won by local oddball grom Max. props.

also round of applause to jay and all others involved with bringing this beauty to peckham

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

OAP day out

the drooling masses of London's aging skaters were wheeled out today for a taste of mud chute's concrete. i arrived to find a session of creeky kneeded wall rides going down and at 16:00 the orderlies turned up with tea & biscuits. then we got on the bus and smelling of mothballs rolled back to the 'shut up and eat' home.

if at first you cant transfer....

that Bitch

nose pick night sesh.

So much good weather, so much skating and one bust camera. yes after getting this compact mother f*cker less than 3 months ago, it died on me. ok my fault a - a spanner went through the screen. sooo all the new pictures are taken with some wholesome old school guess work.
nose picks by night:

Sunday, 8 March 2009

zombie skaters

My latest drawing obsession has been zombie skaters - just an excuse for excessive gore and shattered limbs ... mmm

Thursday, 29 January 2009

on a less deep note....

heres some art work for deathray treubchays new single - i'm pretty pleased with it
click picture to listen then go buy it.


this post is about a globalisation. not the
globalisation but a less explored face globalisation is the spread of ideas throughout out the world. ideas that keeps there essence not matter how they are packaged. ones that pour into a place and are formed by it, like water in a glass. recently Tom introduced me to one of the most skateafirming websites i've seen in along time:

uganda skateboard union; clay ramps hard core homemade boards, the rainy seasons coming...ramp melts, start again. beautiful. it may piss it down all winter here but at least the ramps are still there come quit bitchin

then into my life, via boingboing, came
and inspired a glance at an atlas and some mindless googling quickly led mw to some small town skateboaring jems: almost every where has a skate scene large or small. most good ideas spread well.


and the guatemalans love steps

is manifesting all over the world, in each place its form twisted to the local space and people yet always retaining its unspeakable essence* :

a simple pure pleasure, a way of subverting a space into some sort of temple to pain ridden joy.

ah-hem, sorry got ab it carried away. but the point remains: skateboarding may have first arrived in these far flung places through mass media, cool looking adverts. but the adverts cannot take away from the experience - where ever hand how ever you do it; to skate board is to under stand skating and the ideas are locked into the experience it's self

it made me think back to the heart of darkness that is mid wales the remote skate scene i literally cut my teeth on.

-fixing the public ramp with screws, building ramps in asbestos ridden factory units.

skateboarding may have its homes, it's meccas, the holy church of Burnside Portland, London's own patron saint of concrete St_Ockwell. whether your sneaking into pools in SoCal, tearing up Marseilles, or grinding curbs with some mates in llandrindod wells, the eternal form of skate boarding will be there.